Quinsey is 79 today. For many years, Mike channeled SaLuSa of Sirius, a
source of information that was a mainstay for this site for as long as
Mike transmitted him. Recently a health challenge persuaded Mike to
retire from retirement … I mean, really retire.

Mike started out in sales and service, and later management, with
electrical and mechanical companies. He gave talks on galactic
civilizations, UFOs, healing and spiritual matters before channeling for
the Galactic Federation.
He found his spiritual path in the late 70’s through the Atlantean Society, ran his own Branch, during which time he started a section called “The Universal Network” that supported Tuella and her work with Ashtar.
He then started Galacticom Europa to cover the messages from Ashtar through Carole Hall. In conjunction with all of this, he produced his own magazine called the ‘Messenger’.
During this period he had a most convincing UFO sighting, one of several. After these activities had ran their course, he returned to giving talks, until the mid 90’s when he became Editor for a local magazine called Quest, which is devoted to spiritual growth and enlightenment.
He started channeling with messages from St. Germaine and then “Sa Lu
Sa” in 2006, followed by a cadre of Galactic-Federation speakers –
Diane of Sirius, Ag-Agria of Sirius, Ker-on of Venus, Ela of Arcturus,
and many others. I was fascinated with his channelings when I first
realized what was happening. They provided the most substantial material
I came across, along with Matthew’s Messages, Blossom’s sources,
Hilarion’s weekly talks, and the various channels of Archangel Michael.
“My affinity is with ancient Egypt and Atlantis, having found the readings of Edgar Cayce of considerable help,” he writes. “I am told I was a High Priest in Egypt, but have no waking memory of this or any other incarnation.” Mike has led other lives of renown, but we’ll leave that to him to discuss if he likes.
Mike is married to Cathy and has two sons, Alan and Colin.

He found his spiritual path in the late 70’s through the Atlantean Society, ran his own Branch, during which time he started a section called “The Universal Network” that supported Tuella and her work with Ashtar.
He then started Galacticom Europa to cover the messages from Ashtar through Carole Hall. In conjunction with all of this, he produced his own magazine called the ‘Messenger’.
During this period he had a most convincing UFO sighting, one of several. After these activities had ran their course, he returned to giving talks, until the mid 90’s when he became Editor for a local magazine called Quest, which is devoted to spiritual growth and enlightenment.

“My affinity is with ancient Egypt and Atlantis, having found the readings of Edgar Cayce of considerable help,” he writes. “I am told I was a High Priest in Egypt, but have no waking memory of this or any other incarnation.” Mike has led other lives of renown, but we’ll leave that to him to discuss if he likes.
Mike is married to Cathy and has two sons, Alan and Colin.
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