Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Dear Ones,

In the Old Age, you received information that all would be erratic during a full moon or that an eclipse would shift all people in some fashion. Sometimes those patterns were accurate – sometimes not. But because you were comfortable with group thought, you continued to follow what others projected might happen. Perhaps you have read astrology books that indicated what a Pisces or Aries should be like – only to find some correlation, but not a complete list of activities relevant to you or the person in question.
Some of the Old Age astrological readings were fairly accurate because humans moved en masse so one could roughly calculate what would happen to someone with that sign on a particular day or even year. Such is no longer the case.
Even though the broad categories of the 12 astrological signs continue, as earth and the Universes shift so do stars in the heavens. Old Age astrological readings were based on planets and stars that remained in a pattern for eons.
Those stars and planets are now evolving as are you. What does this mean? Just as you previously noted how you reacted during planetary activity and how your being fit within the broad categories provided by astrologers, you will probably want to study the new you with new indicators.
Eclipses and full moons, as will be occurring this week, are not necessarily worrisome as has been true in the past. Perhaps you will feel a bit spacey or find yourself doing or saying something you had not meant to say – but these next few days will be more about celebration than hunkering down to await some trauma.
Some are discussing how dramatic the next few weeks will be because of three eclipses and two full moons. Drama time – Old Age drama time. The new interpretation is celebration. For now eclipses and full moons produce more light on earth ensuring that more and more Lightworkers awaken.

Such a statement does not yet answer your initial question – how will this affect you? However you want. That is not to tease you, but to remind you that you are in control of your life and reactions. You no longer have a book that tells you how you should react during, before or after a specific event. For some of you will be sad that you are no longer the lonely Lightworker beaming your mysterious, but loving grace to the world. Others will be joyous that the new earth and all that entails will be more evident every day. Neither response is right nor wrong. There is no longer a specific response for any astrological sign.
Perhaps that is difficult to understand for you have tracked so many people who have acted and reacted as your astrology books indicated they would. Do you remember a few months ago when astrologers were discussing how perhaps you were no longer a Leo – that you should adhere to the sign before or after because of shifting star patterns?
Such was the first salvo of the new astrological world. Some astrologers pooh-pooh the concept. Others are excited by the idea. Still others are ignoring the concept.
Just as more people will find channeling a common means of communication – which will soon be outdated by the way. Others will find the new astrology more accurate and informative – and not designed for the masses. Indicators will combine with inner messages to project a more specific and detailed road map for individuals.
Some astrologers contend they are combining channeling with astrology and so they are. What we are speaking of is a step beyond that. The messages will be extremely specific – almost like a virtual reality game where the client tests various options to decide which best suits him or her.
Previously, astrologers created broad descriptions based on what most people in a specific group might do. Even if they combined those readings with channeling, the astrologer’s belief system created a future confined to what a Gemini or Cancer might do. Now that the planets and stars are shifting, as is true for all entities on earth, readings will be more specific – much less generic.

Those of you who work with astrologers, will know who is offering Old Age readings and who is comfortable with New Age thoughts and actions by your sense of comfort and rightness.
If you are an astrologer, know that the next few weeks will be a glorious adventure. Throw out your old books and beliefs and start anew. You will be amazed at how unique and exciting your new readings will be. No longer is it necessary for you to merely determine when someone is going to meet their soul mate or find the perfect job. Your new readings will be so much more interesting – both for you and those with whom you are working.
We have told you that all is shifting in this New Age – and so it is. From governments, to astrology, to channeling, to the corporate world. Nothing is going to be as it was. Just as the automobile changed your world, so will the New Age produce so many new adventures – if you are willing to move outside your Old Age box – whatever that box may be. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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