From The Core of Your Self
Channelled By Suzanne Lie - April 21, 2013

Therefore, we have been bringing many of you to our Mothership or another higher frequency reality so that we can communicate with you in your astral body. We have brought you to the higher frequency of reality via the fourth-dimensional astral body of your third-dimensional form. Fortunately, as your fourth-dimensional astral body connects with your fifth-dimensional reality, your multidimensional memory is activated.
Because there are no illusions in the fifth dimension and beyond, you can remember that you are simultaneously three of the myriad expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. You are the fifth dimensional Galactic Being who is trying to gain your attention. You are your fourth-dimensional astral body of your dream state, and you are your third-dimensional physical body that is asleep and having a 'dream.'
However, the illusions of the physical world are very powerful. Hence, many of you have been having difficulty remembering your multidimensional nature while you are wearing your earth vessel. Therefore, we are bringing you here during your dreamtime to remind you who you are and why you have bi-located to Earth.
It is easier for the human brain of your earth vessel to remember your dreams than it is to remember your fifth dimensional reality. Therefore, we have brought you here while your physical form is sleeping in hopes that you will remember this 'dream' when you awaken.
You likely think that you had a very unusual dream. But hopefully you will remember the information that we gave you in your dream. Because of the third dimensional illusion of time, what you are experiencing as the present while you are with us, your physical self will likely remember as a dream that happened in the past while you were sleeping.
The concept of time is one of the primary reasons that you are forgetting your Multidimensional SELF while wearing your earth vessel. In the third dimensional world you may or may not remember your past, and your future is unknown and seemingly out of your control. We wish to remind you that the future is only an expression of the NOW that you are creating with your thoughts and emotions.

We are hopeful that our message will remind you of your innate powers of manifestation. Do you remember that even your earth vessel has the ability to manifest your thoughts? Unfortunately, the education of your era has indoctrinated many you to forget that fact.
Hence, we will begin our communication by reminding you that the physical brain of your earth vessel is electrical and neurons move that electricity throughout your vessel. Neurons are individual cells connected to one another by dendrites and axons.
Every time you think, move, feel or remember, your neurons are working. That work is carried out by small, biochemically elicited electric signals that zip from neuron to neuron. These signals are generated by differences in electrical potential carried by ions on the membrane of each neuron.
Furthermore, these signals resonate into your aura, and your aura resonates these signals into the atmosphere of your world. You may not believe that others can hear your thoughts. However, Earth is moving into the mid-fourth dimension, which greatly empowers the fourth dimensional Elementals' ability to share your thoughts and emotions with the Elementals of your atmosphere and of other humans.
Elementals are the fourth dimensional aspects of the third dimensional elements of earth, air, fire and water that comprise your earth vessel. Thus the Elemental correlates to your physical elements as the earth/body, air/breath, fire/neural synapses and water/bodily fluid.
The third dimensional elements of your earth vessel resonate to all your thoughts and emotions, even your unconscious ones, and transmit this resonance to your fourth dimensional Elementals. Then, the fourth dimensional Elementals travel in and out of your body and into your aura and beyond. Hence, your Elementals carry the resonance of your every thought and emotion into your fourth dimensional aura.
Just as your conscious thoughts and emotions appear to rule your 3D world, your unconscious thoughts rule your 4D world. These conscious and unconscious thoughts and emotions are then manifested into form by the Elementals, who are the builders of form. As your thoughts interface with the ethers of your reality, the fourth dimensional Elementals create thought-forms that best represent your thoughts, as well as the emotions that flavor those thoughts.
In fact, Elementals are especially influenced by thoughts that carry a strong emotion. Of course the emotion of unconditional love, which is actually the highest frequency of light, is the most creative of all expressions. However, few humans have ever projected, or even experienced unconditional love. In fact most of the love that is experienced and/or expressed by Earth humans in the era that you are visiting is conditional love.
Nevertheless, even conditional love has creative power. Your thoughts create the matrix of a concept, and your emotions flesh out that matrix with form to create a "thought-form." These thought-forms, which are only visible to your expanded perception, travel throughout your fourth dimensional reality.
Thought-forms that carry more emotions are more quickly manifested. Therefore, adjectives become important, as they usually carry the emotion of a thought or statement. For example, if you think you are having a "bad" day, you create an emotional image of sorrow, anger or fear.
Humans are unaware of these emotional images, but Elementals use them as a language. Elementals do not have a spoken language, but they do experience humanity's thoughts as an imagistic language. Therefore, Elementals perceive all thoughts as a wish fulfilled. However, they are not human, so they do not have a concept of polarity as third dimensional humans do.
Consequently, they do not perceive bad as negative and good as positive. They perceive a 'bad' day as an emotional image with a chaotic form. Since, they do understand the polarities of creation and destruction, 'bad' carries the image of unstable form.
On the other hand, the thought-form of 'good' carries the image of stable form. Therefore, a bad day would be a day in which many things would fall apart. Whereas a good day would be a day in which everything remains stable and cohesive.
The higher dimensional expression of your SELF on the Ship or in higher worlds is accustomed to creating reality with every thought and emotion. However, on the higher dimensions there is no fear and worry to taint your thinking. Hence, whenever you have a thought, especially a desire or an action-based thought; you can easily initiate the foundation of that experience.
On our Ship and New Earth, which are primarily fifth dimensional, manifestation is very fast or even instant. However, while you are in your earth vessel, your manifestation will appear to occur in your 3D perception of the future. Therefore, when you have a third dimensional thought such as I desire or I am going to, the thought is stored in your subconscious mind so that you can fulfill it later.
All 3D manifestation will appear to occur later because your earth vessel has NO concept of instant manifestation. Fortunately your inner fourth dimensional Elementals (builders of form) are in constant connection with your conscious and unconscious thoughts and they capture the matrix of that thought to create a form for it when you believe you can manifest it.
When you have a thought such as, I am finding a way to get what I desire right now, your Elementals take their assignment of directing your attention towards the manifestation of your desire-filled thought that you believe you can fulfill. Furthermore, your Elementals then take this strong thought-form into your world where it can intermingle with similarly empowered thought-forms.
Thus, the people who created these thought-forms will often meet and combine their resources, or even assist each other. Also, your belief in and attention towards the manifestation of your fourth dimensional thought-form will activate the higher thinking of your Multidimensional SELF. Once you bring your multidimensional thinking into your creative process, you are free of third dimensional illusions.
You may even be able to remember how your higher expressions of SELF are able to instantly manifest all thoughts and emotions. At this point, you are no longer separated from the greater knowing of your Multidimensional SELF. Hence, you are able to actually call upon the Elementals, builders of form, to collect the appropriate matter to add matter to the matrix of your thought-forms.

Therefore, in this scenario your attention is pulled away from your desired outcome. Because you have fallen into fear-based thinking your creative abilities are greatly diminished, and you will likely resign your self to the 3D paradigm that creation comes from hard work over time.
When you body's primary frequency is third dimensional you can easily fall into the illusion that all manifestation is bound by third dimensional time and space. Hence, you will believe that you have to go somewhere and it will take time to manifest your desire. Then your mind gives your inner Elementals the message that the manifestation of your desire is too far away and will take too much time to fulfill.
The third dimensional illusion of separation and limitation is also problematic. If you can become lost in this illusion, you will believe that you are separated from what you desire and limited in your ability to manifest it. Furthermore, third dimensional Earth is not a safe world and is riddled with many possible disasters. Therefore, your thoughts can become a storage file for all the fears that you have experienced during you lifetime, as well as all the warning of how you should be careful.
As you can see, mastery over your fearful and negative emotions is the pre-requisite to manifesting your desires. If your unconscious contains any fear about your inability to manifest a certain desire, that fear will be transmitted to the fourth dimensional Elementals. Then the Elementals will only be able to manifest a diminished version of your desire because your unconscious can only send the Elementals an emotional picture of a limited outcome.
For this reason, it is important that our Earth Team guards carefully against any fear-based thoughts and emotions. Fortunately, increased multidimensional light is entering Gaia. However, this light travels in ever-expanding circles. Thus, when the higher light has absorbed into your earth vessel, your consciousness moves into the peaks of euphoria, which quickly circle down into the depths of unconscious fears.
This process is not comfortable, but it is important that higher light enters your earth vessel's unconscious mind to cleanse it of old fears that have accumulated over myriad third dimensional incarnations. If you can remember your true SELF, you will be able to relax into this cleaning process and will not become distracted from your important mission.
If you become lost in the illusions of your human earth vessel you will lose your connection to the higher dimensional expression of your Higher Expressions of SELF on the Ship. This expression of your SELF is free of fear and can easily face the above-mentioned challenges.
Third dimensional illusions are based on fear. Therefore, once you are able to release all your attachments to fear, you will remember to unconditionally love all fears. Unconditional love will reveal all illusions. Once an illusion is revealed, you will be able to look through it in order to identify the Truth of every situation.

We have told you how Elementals assist you in creating your reality because you need those basic concepts in order to understand what we are about to say. You see, you too, are an Elemental. You too are a builder of form, but you forgot. Your third dimensional earth vessel is comprised of the elements of Earth's physical matter. This physical matter is perceived as your body, which is perceived as YOU.
In the same manner, your fourth dimensional astral-body/dream-body is comprised of the Elementals of astral matter, which you also perceive as YOU. Hence, the individual that you perceive as YOU is both your physical body and your astral body. These two bodies are kept manifest by your third dimensional elements and your fourth dimensional Elementals.
You perceive your third dimensional form as your conscious self and your fourth dimensional form as your unconscious self. Since most of your manifestations arise from your unconscious rather than your conscious mind, the fourth dimensional Elementals are the primary creators of your reality. It is true that your human self is learning to merge your conscious and unconscious minds.
This merging will greatly assist you to be conscious about the reality that you are choosing to create. Therefore, we remind you that whenever you give unconditional love, which is the bonding force of the universe, to your unconscious self, you merge your conscious self (often perceived as your present) and the unconsciousness self (often perceived as your past) into the NOW of the ONE.
When your conscious mind and third dimensional elements of your earth vessel are merged with your unconscious mind and fourth dimensional Elementals, you have a greater ability to consciously merge your 3D physical body with your 4D astral body. Then you astral body can form a connection between your third dimensional physical form and your fifth dimensional Lightbody.
Remembering the innate creative ability of your Multidimensional SELF greatly facilitates your process of the conscious merging of these three expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. The remembrance of your multidimensional creativity first began when you allowed the higher light to enter into your physical form. This higher light first entered the etheric matter of your astral body and then moved into the physical matter of your earth vessel.
When your 3D Physical Self and your 4D Astral Self are connected with your 5D Lightbody, you create a bridge into the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. As you identify, connect and establish a deep relationship with the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, you can perceive your reality from that higher perspective of your SELF.
This perspective will assist you with the fulfillment of your Mission. However, first you must use your newly found abilities of creation to create a life based on unconditional love, joy and happiness. It is necessary to create this lifestyle, for only when you live in love will you able to love yourself enough to realize your immense and innate creative abilities.
These creative abilities are sufficient for you to create your life in accordance with the Higher Expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. In other words, you will no longer need to be one of the millions of lost ones struggling to survive in a world filled with anger and fear. The anger and fear will, unfortunately, remain on Gaia until more humans evolve or leave the planet via what they believe is death.
They believe in death because they have never had a first hand experience of their true SELF in the higher frequencies of reality. That is why they are lost. They are lost to their true SELF. If they can find their SELF that resonates to the higher frequencies of reality, they will no longer be lost. They will have found their SELF.
Then, once they experience the constant sensation of unconditional love flowing from their Multidimensional SELF into their physical self, they will know that love and happiness are the most important aspects of life. No longer will they want to dominate another or harm the body of Gaia in any way.
No longer will they feel separate, alone and without assistance. They will, also, realize that money is NOT the root of happiness, and they will simultaneously discover that they can live in abundance within the NOW of the ONE because they are the creators of their reality.
Old beliefs that suffering makes them a better person will fade from their consciousness while their desire body becomes focused on fulfilling their "reason for embodiment." Once in connection with their Higher Expressions they will have a constant source of guidance, comfort and unconditional love.
Unfortunately, there are many who have became so lost after the 2,000 years of the Kali Yuga's darkest dark that they may have to leave the planet, in what they would know as dying to rest and recover. After they have reunited with their Multidimensional SELF, they can clear their old psychic wounding and create a new earth vessel in order to return to Earth.
In their new earth vessel, they will be prepared to assist Gaia and/or Her inhabitants. In fact, even before a death experience, more and more Lost Ones are coming into the fourth dimensional Recovery Centers. In these Recovery Centers they can be healed from myriad lives lived in fear, anger and the need to experience power-over others.
The first thing they must learn is that they only needed the sensation of power-over others because they had not found their power within. Many families went generation after generation of power-over their children, who grew into adults who needed power-over their children. In the manner, the family was lost for generations.

As those who live in fear and anger find the way to live in love and joy, the process of planetary ascension will be greatly expedited. Once we, your Galactic Family, realize that enough of you can accept our love and share it with Gaia and all Her inhabitants, we will have a public landing.
However, the term "enough" cannot be determined at this moment of your Earth time. The majority of your world is still trapped in fear and anger, which could easily lead to violence if we landed. Therefore, it is up to you, the members of our Away Mission to Earth to connect with as many people as you possible in unity and unconditional love.
A group energy based on unity and unconditional love can easily share the message that Gaia is ready to return to Her Higher Expression of New Earth. Gaia wants her humans to join her NOW. However, She tires of waiting for the lost ones and is extending her primary essence into the higher frequencies of your Planetary SELF.
All of her Elementals, animals and plant beings are ready. The only component of Her third dimensional vessel that is not ready is humanity's Lost Ones. She does not wish to abandon Her Lost Ones. Therefore, she is leaving the third dimensional frequency of her body open for as long as possible while Her primary essence moves into the higher frequencies.
Many of you, the awakened humans of Gaia, are beginning to notice how your life seems to improve each day. You will likely have many symptoms of transmutation as your earth vessel adapts to higher and higher frequencies of light. However, if you stay within this higher light and allow it to integrate into your earth vessel, you will begin to experience ever-expanding joy and greatly diminishing fear and anger.

Through the sensation of unconditional love moving into and through your form, your symptoms of transmutation will diminish. Most importantly, you will begin to experience unity with all life. We realize that this process of shifting your frequency rate while inhabiting that form is extremely challenging. However, the opportunity to take a body during this wonderful time of transition is a great honor and one for which you have waited for myriad lifetimes.
We want you to know that you are not alone. We, your Galactic and Celestial Family who are your Higher Expressions of SELF, are willing to be in constant contact with you. Thus, you are never alone for we are always with you. From our perspective we observe that the members of our Away Team and Awakened Ones are finding ways in which they can help from within their community and world systems to make the transition easier and filled with unconditional love.
Most of all, remember that you are ALL great Multidimensional Beings. Therefore, you ALL have higher expression of SELF either on Starships or in higher dimensions of reality. Furthermore, you all have the same Mission, which is:
Remember your SELF.
Set up an ongoing and intimate relationship with your SELF.
Translate and transmit the Truth that you are receiving from your Higher Expression of SELF to all who can listen.
You, the members of our Away Team, as well as many who have taken an earth vessel during this timeline of Earth, are among the most advanced and best prepared citizens of our higher dimensional worlds. Once you remember who you are, your fear will greatly diminish. Most important of all, you will begin to remember the feel of unconditional love and pure joy.
If all you "do" is radiate unconditional love and pure joy into your atmosphere, you will greatly assist others to remember their Higher Expression of SELF. Above all, as you embrace, integrate and radiate the unconditional love and pure joy that is being sent into your planet, you will fully become the creator of your reality!
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