In the spiritual realms much has been transpiring as the new energies
enveloping Earth have strengthened and intensified to assist in
humanity’s imminent awakening. Yes, it is imminent! Much has been
promised to you, and the moment for delivery is approaching rapidly.
Nevertheless there is much to do to complete the essential preparations
prior to the arrival of this divine and long-awaited event, and every
one of you has an important part to play.
It is largely about releasing
judgment and embracing forgiveness, especially as your awareness of the
misbehavior and betrayal perpetrated by those whom you have trusted
grows in direct proportion to the number of whistle-blowers releasing
previously hidden information about deceit and corruption in high
places, and abuse of their positions by those holding them.
What has been done, in many cases, is quite unconscionable, but you
are all divine beings, created in Love from Love, and you all chose to
experience separation from your divine state. The result has been great
suffering. There is no one embodied on Earth at this time in your
evolution who, as Jesus tells us in the bible, “is without sin,” and
therefore there is no one who is capable of making an honest, unbiased,
and fair appraisal of anyone else’s behavior. Judgment should be left
to God because He judges everyone as sinless and sees only their divine
Unconditional forgiveness is the essential path to awakening, along
with the peaceful containment and restraint of those who would continue,
unless so contained, to abuse others. Love, the Source-field in which
creation occurs, accepts all, regardless of their sins, and by doing so
dissolves the anger and resentment that leads people to sin.
“Sin” occurs when someone feels unloved, unaccepted, uncared-for,
despised, inadequate, unworthy, shamed, or rejected. It is a desperate
call for attention, loving attention, that has been ignored or
dismissed. Everyone has at some time experienced that, and everyone
knows what a wonderful sense of joy and comfort is experienced when
unconditional acceptance replaces those unloving and fear-inducing
conditions. So everyone knows, deep within themselves, that
unless they wholeheartedly embrace forgiveness and offer it
unconditionally to all whom they believe have in any way offended or
abused them they will continue to be devoured or eaten away by
bitterness, resentment, and anger.
It is a vicious circle because those who hold on to bitterness,
resentment, and anger are resisting Love, frequently believing that they
are unlovable, and then often feeling driven to behave like those whom
they find themselves unable to forgive. To withhold forgiveness is like
embracing cancer because it eats away at its host, preventing the
experiences of happiness, joy, or contentment, and replacing them with
an embittered but misplaced sense of satisfaction in the righteous
refusal to forgive. You have an expression “biting off your nose to
spite your face,” which is quite appropriate here.
To become peaceful, to experience peace, it is essential to forgive,
freely and unconditionally. Many feel that this is impossible because
they have been so abused, have suffered so severely, and believe that
peace and contentment are only possible for them if they receive
restitution and know that their abuser has been suitably punished. But
it does not work.
When justice has been delivered the pain remains, and
the bitterness that the abuse aroused continues to grow. When the
bitterness is encouraged and believed to be a right and a privilege onto
which the victim can hold then no restitution is ever enough. The
complaint “no one can give me back what was taken away” is quite true.
But focusing on that violation of one’s personal sovereignty instead of
releasing it means that life passes the victims by as they retain the
memory of their violation as their most treasured possession.
Forgiving allows a person to move on, to re-engage with life, and to
find solace and comfort where they possibly least expected to find it,
namely, in the release of the extremely heavy burden that not forgiving
entails. By forgiving you release that unbearable emotional burden
which can never be released in any other way. Support groups often
aggravate the burden by encouraging undue amounts of introspection and
discussion which can strengthen the sense of being wronged instead of
lightening the load you are carrying, as is their purpose.
By forgiving
you open your hearts to receive the abundance of Love that constantly
enfolds you, waiting for you to accept It. The lightness that you will
experience as a consequence of truly forgiving someone who has hurt you
will amaze you.
Forgiveness is a great healer and humanity needs healing. Embrace it
and enjoy the peace, the satisfaction, and the contentment — never mind
the relief — that doing so allows and provides.
With so very much love, Saul.
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