Friday, August 2, 2013

AA Michael: It Is How You Exercise Your Power


Channelled By Ron Head On August 1, 2013


On this first day of your new month, in the midst of the greatly enhanced energetic flow to your earth which is being further heightened by the rare alignments in the heavens, you are once again allowing yourselves to expect almost instantaneous deliverance into an entirely new existence.  And because most of you will not find millions in your bank accounts, new cars in your driveways, nor hear announcements of this or that on your televisions, will you once again cry foul?

Because you are told that there are certain changes in the future, and that change is certain in the future, you then set yourselves up for immense disappointment by imagining calendar deadlines into being.  You have prior and recent experience of the results of this.  Yet you continue to allow yourselves to get caught up in this kind of thinking.  And the cry of “See?  Nothing happened!” will rise again.  And many more disillusioned hearts will fall away.  And those who promised you this or that will find ways of deflecting the blame back onto you.

The truth is that huge change to what is invariably means huge resistance and huge obstacles.  And you certainly cannot be blamed for wanting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This can all be avoided, as you really do understand by now, by not allowing the calendar to enter into the picture.  There are huge and delightful things on their way into your reality.  This has been revealed to you, and it is true.  This is not going to happen in an instant because those of us on our side of the ‘veil’ snap our fingers and produce it for you.  

You have been told that you are the instruments of change, and that is also true.  And even on the days when the most amazing changes begin to see the light, most of you will not see any change in your immediate existence.  Your bank balance will not change.  The media will not reverse itself and begin trumpeting the great news far and wide.  And your day to day lives will change much more gradually than you imagine.  Think about this.  

You know this.  This is reasonable.

It is true that you have waited for a long time for these things to occur.  It is understandable that you wish them to appear overnight.  And in retrospect, that will be exactly how it will seem.  But you have all had enough experience of life to know that it never seems that way while you are looking forward.

You are sitting in the midst of a time of immense change.  You are.  It is being driven by you, by your dreams, by your intent, and, yes, to a great extent, by your expectations.  Strengthen those.  Expect miracles.  And also, dearest ones, although it may seem contradictory, look reality in the eye.  See it for what it is.

What it is, is the things which you are changing, as well as the cause for your motivation.  You, each of you, are the force which has come here to re-create this world.  Do not allow the seeming lack of what you have dreamed to derail you.  Hoard those dreams until the moment after you see them before your eyes.  Celebrate that moment.  Then move on, dear hearts.

You know life well enough by now to realize that by that time you will have even more dreams.  This is how the universe operates.  This is the work you do, unless this is the game you play.  You can look at it that way, as well.  But, even if all of the things you expect to happen occur on the same day, even if you do see huge miraculous things happening around you, it will not be the finish line.  The race will not be over.  There is no finish line, you see.  There never will be.  You will always want more.

You will always want better.  You will always be looking into the future for it.  It is how you exercise your power.  You are learning to do that in the highest and best way possible.

You are amazing.  You are loved.  You are respected.  Give some of that love and respect to yourselves.

We look forward to speaking with you again.  Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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