With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.
Perhaps especially among lightworkers, who know that Earth’s exit from
third density is imminent, there is concern because turmoil isn’t
abating, and in some instances, seems to be increasing. We want to set
your minds at ease about this by explaining why the world situation is
what it is, and it starts with the Beginnings.
Beloveds, what you differentiate as science and spirit are one and
the same. There can be no separation because the origin and makeup of
every thing in existence cosmos-wide is energy. This energy is the pure
love-light essence of Creator, Supreme Being of the cosmos, Source, All
That Is, Totality, I AM.
At the same time that each of you is a unique, independent and
inviolate soul self, in the infinite and eternal interconnectedness of
All, each resident of Earth is a microcosm of the planet. Earth is a
microcosm of your solar system, the system is a microcosm of the Milky
Way, and your galaxy is a microcosm of this universe. Our universe is a
microcosm of the cosmos, whose Beginnings were what you call the “Big
Bang,” and from that moment onward, no thing exists only unto itself and
anything that happens anywhere affects everything, everywhere.
For the past several decades Earth has been on center stage in this
universe because of the unprecedented swiftness and extent of changes on
the planet, which are attributed to science, and within her peoples,
which are attributed to spirit. Yet, all of the ongoing changes on Earth
and within you were set in motion seventy-some years ago when you gave
energy new directions, so to say.
Energy is neutral, but streams of energy can be directed by their
attachments of thought forms. The forms are actual substances, albeit
invisible to your vision, and they are created by every thought, feeling
and action of every life in existence. Thus the attachments are either
positive or negative in nature, and this universe is teeming with both.
The closer ones are to any energy movement, the more profoundly they are affected.
Because your world is awash with duality’s negative components-fear,
warring, divisiveness, rage, greed, deception, corruption, poverty and
random violence-you are at the epicenter of dynamic quaking and shaking.
Not only are those negative streamer attachments being generated there, they are emanating from there.
Through the physics that governs life in this universe, energy
generated anywhere shoots out into space, attracts and attaches itself
to the nearest similar energy and, like a boomerang, returns with that
reinforcement. Because Earth’s streamers at duality’s negative end are
being sent out in abundance, they are attracting and bringing back
exactly what they sent out. This immutable law of attraction is why your
world still is steeped in turmoil.
And this is why we have urged you to focus on what you want in your
lives and your world! The many who are preoccupied with thinking about
what they don’t want and their anxiety, discouragement, anger, sorrow
and impatience about those situations are creating more of them in their
personal lives and the world. Those kinds of thoughts and feelings are
fraught with the negativity that prolongs the situations that they want
The only way to stop that merry-go-round is with love, the most
powerful force in the cosmos. Love-the very same energy as light, only
expressed differently-is what light beings throughout this universe have
been beaming with intensity to Earth for more than seven decades. The
initial infusion of light saved her life and gave her the strength she
needed to jar loose from deep third density and start on her ascension
With that in-pouring of light, Earth had more to offer to all of her
residents, the microcosms of her Being, and her peoples who opened their
hearts and minds received it and generated their own light, their very
life force, more abundantly. We have rejoiced with and for each of them!
Not only have their lives been uplifted in spiritual and conscious
enlightenment, but their response created positive energy streamer
attachments that further benefited Earth and her other receptive souls.
Because we love every soul in your world, it is sad for us that some
still are refusing the light that would replace their fear and anguish
with healing and joyousness. As long as the dark ones were in control of
your world, they felt powerful. When their control started eroding some
years back, fear set in.
By now, the Illuminati are desperate as their last few tattered
remnants of influence-the media and segments of military forces and the
economy-are disappearing. Tyrannical rulers also are running scared
because their counterparts in some other countries have been overthrown
by the citizenry. And many millions are living in fear because of those
dark ones’ activities.
Fear is a magnified emotion that sends forth the most potent
negativity. Although that which is generated on Earth has effects
universally, as we said, it most profoundly affects all life on the
planet. Think how often we have stressed the importance of sending light
to the weakest links in our family chain of souls, those who have
become captive of darkness.
Creator’s law of free will gives them the right to deny themselves light, but they cannot stop its cosmic forcefulness.
Earth’s ascension course has reached a vibratory level of intensive
energy surges and those are blocking the path of energy streamers with
tempestuous negativity. Since those streamers can neither turn around
nor go forward into fourth density, they are being forced to spend
themselves fast and furiously.
This accounts for the tumultuousness you’re seeing, and we hasten to
assure you, the current clashing will not end explosively! The light
from our universal family combined with your own is far more powerful
than the negativity swirling around the planet! And, a clear sign that
Earth is prudently handling that is, far fewer deaths and much less
property damage have resulted recently from earthquakes, her main mode
of negativity release, than formerly.
We have stated that the purpose of our messages is to enlighten,
encourage and offer spiritual guidance during this unprecedented time in
universal history. Also we have said that we are apolitical-like all
other spiritually evolved beings, we have progressed far beyond a
political aspect in our nature.
So why do we even speak about politics? Knowing how your world became
laden with negativity is essential for understanding Earth’s ascension,
and an explanation cannot omit her reason: to be free of the massive
negativity caused by the effects of political ideologies.
Political decisions affect the lives of the populace-civil rights,
laws, education, employment, kinds of
information disseminated, cultural
practices, economic conditions, taxation, voting, medical care,
religious orientation and designation of “enemies.” The bedrock of most
of your world’s governments has long been war, corruption, deception and
oppression of one kind or another, and all of that has produced rampant
Throughout the ages, combative ruling bodies have caused the endless
blood-shedding that almost killed your planet. That is why Gaia, Earth’s
soul, chose to have her body leave third density, where darkness
flourishes, and journey into higher densities where bitterly polarized
political ideologies and their tragic results do not exist.
Decisions and actions of the United States government are influential
worldwide, therefore that country’s forthcoming election holds global
interest. We have spoken about President Obama’ mission in the context
of Earth’s Golden Age master plan, which is in accordance with Gaia’s
desire of a peaceful world where all live in harmony with Nature. Her
desire and the plan that embodies it transcend politics in every nation.
Obama, who has experienced many lifetimes in leadership positions,
accepted the monumental mission to bring peace to your world, and he
came in with the wisdom, vision, dedication, and moral and spiritual
integrity to lead the way. Neither he nor his mission has changed.
However, throughout his term in office, his efforts have been
undermined by the Illuminati-those who are in Congress who are supported
by those who are not. An example of their combined handiwork that you
will recognize is the oft-berated “Obamacare,” which is but a broken
skeleton of Obama’s intention. To get any of the reforms he wanted for
the people of his country, he had no option but to change some
provisions and add or eliminate others so that Congress would enact the
Affordable Healthcare Bill.
Soon all individuals whose actions are motivated by greed and control
no longer will be around. Then you shall see why the highest universal
council selected the soul born as Barack Obama to fill one of the most
vital roles in your world today. This would have been evident throughout
his presidency had it not been for the tenacity of the dark ones.
Despite their ability to delay major progress of reforms, Earth with
her vanguard of lighted souls has continued moving apace toward fourth
density. With the countdown now measured in only weeks, before long you
shall see current upheavals and conflicts start evolving into a unified
desire for a world at peace and the onset of Earth’s Golden Age.
Let us speak about the very earliest stages of life in that Age. In
our last message we enumerated the priority projects that will be
undertaken. Now we shall describe what you can anticipate insofar as the
general nature of society.
As we have stated before, not all the glories of the Golden Age will be
on its doorsill. Neither will a completely different or enlightened
society arrive there.
Both Earth and Nirvana will continue to be excellent schoolhouses for
souls to evolve into androgynous beings-those who have ideally balanced
feminine and masculine energies-and what needs balancing most of all
are emotions because they influence attitudes and choices of action and
Simply entering Nirvana doesn’t change a person’s nature and simply
entering the Golden Age won’t either. We are not speaking about
adherence to a soul contract-any who seriously deviated from their
contracts, ignored the guidance of conscience and willfully chose dark
ways, won’t be around-but rather your personality traits, interests,
ideas, standards, aspirations, skills and talents.
For example, a pessimist won’t become an optimist, nor will someone
who tends to be lazy suddenly be industrious. Shy individuals won’t
become gregarious or vice-versa. Someone who analyzes a situation at
length won’t start acting spontaneously and a person accustomed to doing
a mediocre job won’t be a perfectionist. Baseball and soccer
enthusiasts won’t switch to embracing the arts, nor will artists start
training for the Olympics. Farmers won’t change their occupation and
neither will teachers, nurses, mechanics, shopkeepers, chefs,
architects, carpenters, computer programmers or anyone else whose work
is fulfilling.
In short, your characteristics, aptitudes, jobs, hobbies and so
forth-everything that comprises the unique individual that each of you
is-aren’t going to be different until you so choose. We wish to qualify
that a bit: Individuals who enjoy hunting and fishing will rapidly
change from those forms of recreation to other equally satisfying
pastimes that honor all life in Nature’s realm.
The grand difference that all will welcome is a willingness to start
seeing situations from others’ perspectives, to adopt attitudes that
lead to harmonious discussions and resolutions, and to proceed in ways
that best serve everyone’s needs. You will be living in the love-light
vibrations that engender those approaches and inspire actions
The “like attracts like” law of physics also connects persons who are kindred spirits energetically.
Relationships-in families, workplaces, community activities or
national organizations-that are based on that foundation will endure,
those that are not, won’t. With the understanding that the goal of all
souls is to grow in spiritual and conscious awareness, there can be
amiable agreement when parting ways offers opportunities for that
Serious health conditions will change gradually rather than chronic
illness ending in one fell swoop; however, once in fourth density’s
vibrations, you will begin to feel remarkably refreshed in body, mind
and spirit.
For many years you have been assaulted by a multitude of toxins that
have taken a severe toll on the populace. None of those toxic elements
is in fourth density, and as you continue moving into its higher,
stronger vibrations, bodies will be restored to perfection.
We know how eager you are to hear when our space family members among
you and in your skies will be officially welcomed. Our good friend
Hatonn tells us that all is in readiness, they are just waiting for the
signal from the universal highest council, which acts upon God’s
Is the economy really stabilizing or are the Illuminati manipulating
that illusion? The global economy, which is a product of smoke and
mirrors, to use your term, is irreparable. The foundation of the new
system has been slid under the old so that when its collapse comes, the
new foundation will be well established. That will enable the transition
from the old system to the new to come about without the dam breaking,
so to say.
Customized changes in currency, banking, lending, taxes, commerce and
investing will be instituted at a pace to minimize confusion, but debt
forgiveness in the case of IMF loans to countries where the money never
reached the impoverished masses is an economic priority and so is
providing the essentials those many millions require. Remedying your
bleak employment, homelessness and refugee situations also are
To you dear souls who send my mother questions of personal
nature-such as where and when to relocate, your missions, is your light
sufficient to physically go along Earth, can your illness be cured-we
don’t have the answers you are seeking. But you do-everything that is
important for you to know is within your soul!
In many messages we have urged you to stop relying on external
sources to provide answers and
instead, go within. Quiet your mind of
“3D” chatter and let your soul’s messages come as they do-intuition,
instinct, inspiration, aspiration and conscience, the guidance that
keeps you on track with what you chose in your soul contract.
However, regarding missions, we shall repeat what we have said about
the comparative few who are needed to fill leadership positions. Most of
you chose to be way-showers by radiating your light, and you are
fulfilling that role simply by living as the BEing you are, one of God’s
beloved children and related to all others in His family-all of Earth’s
humankind, animals, the plant kingdom and the invaluable souls in the
Devic realms.
It is important to be discerning about information of world events,
too, because disinformation still abounds in mainstream media, private
publications and the Internet, including channeled messages. Again, go
within and pay attention to the sensation that comes. If the information
at issue flows easily, very likely it is truth; if you feel any
resistance, very likely it is false. The lower consciousness level of a
closed mind, however, will cause the person to reject all information
that doesn’t support her or his rigid beliefs.
Above all, do not get drawn in by any fearful information-there is
nothing to fear! This is a time to feel joyful, excited and victorious!
You are but a tiny segment of linear time away from the finish line of
the greatest triumph ever seen in this universe, and in the continuum
you have passed the finish line, you already have triumphed!
We honor you for your valor and steadfastness in the light.
We honor you for your perseverance and ingenuity in overcoming all
roadblocks set in your way by the darkness and for your patience with
delays. We honor you for leading your world into the new era of love,
peace and harmony with all of Nature. Please honor yourselves as we do!
Suzanne Ward
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