Channelled By Ron Head On June 9, 2013

Michael and Gabriel, bringing you a message for which you have long awaited:
We wish you to know that that which you have worked for so long, and with such dedication, has now commenced. You have been informed of this from other sources, as well, and we confirm for you that this information is correct.
You know that the messages you have followed, those which you have discerned to be most reliable and loving, have shown a tendency to converge in their content in recent months. That, dear ones, dearest and most loyal hearts, is because the basic message is the same, as it always has been.
The message now is short and oh so sweet. The freedom, abundance, prosperity, and total transformation of your world, which you have prayed for these last thousands of years, and which has been incomprehensibly denied you, is now to be yours.
There is now, due to your intent, perseverance, and growth to occur a season of change such as you have never dreamed of. We do not promise it will be easy. In fact, it promises to be quite unsettling for many. However, for those ones, you will be the anchor and the calming influence you have the capability to be, and all will be well.

Let the celebration in your hearts begin. Find your joy and hold it close. Maintain your resolve. Wrap yourselves in our loving embrace. We are here in your hearts, as we have always been. You have always asked for evidence in your world of the truth of this. Such evidence you shall have.
Be well, dear friends, and good day to you.
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