A wonderful video to use for orienteering in the present 4-D flux of energies. Short and well scripted, as always, by Suzanne. Great to share with newly awakening friends and family; one size fits all. DT the ET
(This video is available on arcturiantools.blogspot.com)
Channelled By Suzanne Lie On June 16, 2013
Jason Writes:
Dear Mytre,
Sandy and I had the same dream last night. We did not actually see
each other, but when we told each other our dreams we found they were
the same. Therefore, we are now joined in meditation while I type the
message we receive from you. Can you tell us what was occurring in our
joint dream?
Mytre Replies:
Dear Jason, I am joyous that you have learned to communicate with me
via your joint consciousness. The fact that both you and Sandy are
meditating allows her to ground my message while you type it into your
computer. My answer to your question is that you and Sandy have
travelled through the fourth dimension. Would you like me to take you on
a written journey through the fourth dimension now?
Jason Writes:
Yes, we both think that is wonderful.
Mytre Replies:
Please let me know if you have any questions. If you have a question
Jason, just write the question so as not to interrupt your flow of
channeling. Sandy, if you have a question just say it out loud. Then
Jason and I will both hear it.
I will begin by giving you information about the fourth dimension.
First, I wish to remind you that all higher-dimensional realities exist
within the consciousness of your Multidimensional Self. Your third
dimensional thinking has taught you that all life exists separate from
you. However, as you fully adapt to your Multidimensional thinking, you
will understand that reality is within you just as you are within reality.
There are seven sub-planes of the fourth dimension. Each sub-plane
resonates to a different frequency. The higher sub-planes resonate to
higher frequencies and the lower sub-planes resonate to lower
frequencies. From the highest fourth dimension down, the planes are:
- Spiritual Plane ~ Rainbow Bridge and I AM Presence
- Causal Plane ~ mastery of energy and causal body
- Mental Plane ~ release of judgmental thinking and mental body
- Emotional Plane ~ mirror of emotions and emotional body
- Kingdom of Faerie ~ imagination, rest and recreation
- Lower Astral Plane ~ fear and negative emotions
- Etheric Plane ~ etheric body interfaces between third and fourth dimensions
The Etheric Plane interfaces between your physical
body and the fourth dimension. It is through your etheric body that the
Prana can flow into your physical form. The Etheric Plane is not third
or fourth dimensional, but exists as a frequency in-between that unifies
both dimensions.
Each of the sub-planes within the fourth dimension has its own
corresponding degree of materiality and condition of matter. In fact,
within each sub-plane there are different frequency realities that are
of gradually ascending vibrations. For example, the Emotional Plane has
many sub-planes within it ranging from a lower vibration where there is
more fear than love to a higher vibration where there is more love than
However, these different planes are not separate like books piled on a
bookshelf. Each sub-plane penetrates the one just above and below it.
All of the fourth dimensional realities overlap. The higher dimensional
realities extend beyond Earth and the lower dimensional realities are
closer to Earth. In fact, the Lower Astral Plane is actually of a lower
frequency than Earth.
However, because the fourth dimension is “out of phase” with your
third dimensional perceptions, you are not consciously aware of it. As
you continue to raise your consciousness, your perceptions will
gradually become receptive to higher frequencies of reality. These
fourth dimensional worlds are as vast and limitless as your imagination.
However, the fourth dimension is NOT just your imagination, it is very
“Do you mean that these worlds are inside of us? How can that be?” questions Sandy.
Within humanity is the latent power to perceive, respond to and
travel through the fourth dimension. In fact, you do so every night when
you sleep. Whether or not you are aware of it, you all have “bodies” on
each of the fourth dimensional sub-planes. Hence, you have an etheric
body, astral body, emotional body, mental body, causal body, as well as a
spiritual body known as your I AM Presence. You even have bodies in the
Land of Faerie. You also have a body in the Lower Astral Plane, which
is known as your “dark side.”
Whenever you are incarnated on the third dimension, all of these bodies are also “alive” and serve as your higher dimensional mirror
and support team. When you travel through the fourth dimension, you do
so in the body that resonates to that sub-plane or a higher one. In
other words, you can travel through the Astral Plane in your astral body
or in your mental or causal bodies. But, you could not travel through
the Mental Plane in your astral body.
It is best to travel the lower sub-planes in your higher frequency
bodies, as you may need the greater Light of your higher bodies to serve
as protection. This protection is especially needed in the Lower Astral
Plane. The Light and Love of your higher dimensional bodies is the
greatest protection from the darkness and fear of the Lower Astral
“How do we move through these planes?” writes Jason.
Moving from one sub-plane to another, it is not like moving on 3D
Earth. Instead, you need to think in terms of transferring your
consciousness from one reality to another, much as you would pass the
baton in a relay race. When you transfer your consciousness to another
reality, you gradually become less responsive to the perceptions of the
reality you are in and more responsive to the perceptions of the reality
into which you are traveling.
You have all had this experience as you slowly drift off to sleep.
First you are more aware of the physical world, and then, slowly,
without our realizing it, you have flashes of a dream. Often these
flashes come while you are still awake. Eventually, the physical world
is perceived in flashes, and your dream world becomes predominant. This
same process occurs when you meditate. Through meditation you can raise
your consciousness to a higher vibration by focusing your awareness on
the higher dimensions.
“How do we navigate through these inner worlds? writes Jason.
You navigate through the fourth dimension by combining your emotions
and thoughts into a cohesive frequency of consciousness. The higher
states of consciousness resonate to a higher frequency, whereas the
lower states of consciousness resonate to a lower frequency. Your
beliefs create a certain state of consciousness, your state of
consciousness creates your expectations, your expectations direct your
perceptions and the reality you perceive is the reality you live.
For example, if you believe that you can travel to the Land of
Faerie, you move into a mid-forth dimensional consciousness in which you
expect to experience Faerie. Then your expectations direct your
attention to that frequency of reality, and the reality that you
perceive is the reality that you live.
Even though you navigate the fourth dimension by combining your
feelings and thoughts, if you are not in sync with the frequency to
which you wish to travel, you will not arrive at that plane. For
example, if you intend to go to the Causal Plane, but you are feeling
afraid, that fear will limit your vibratory rate, and hence, your
consciousness. Consequently, it will be more likely that you will find
yourself in the Lower Astral plane where fear and anger abound.
On the other hand, if you enter the Lower Astral Plane with the
intention of service and Love, your level of consciousness will resonate
to the higher Emotional Plane where there is more Love and Light.
Furthermore, if you travel into the fourth dimension with the intention
of learning more cosmic truth and communicating with higher Beings, your
consciousness will resonate to the Mental and/or the Causal Plane where
illumination awaits you.
Of course, raising your consciousness to the higher fourth
dimensional realities is not an easy task and requires much training,
discipline, and most of all, Love. In order to raise your consciousness
high enough to travel to the higher fourth dimensional planes, you must
go deep within yourselves. You may love yourselves enough to consciously
travel into some portions of the Astral Plane, but in order to travel
into the higher planes you must also love yourselves from DEEP within
your unconscious.
This inner love means that you love and forgive who you have been and
what you have experienced. If you cannot love yourselves in this
fashion your consciousness will not be able to navigate into the higher
fourth dimensional realities.
“Is there a way we can transform our consciousness?” asks Sandy.
The transformation of your consciousness can be likened to the
transformation of water boiling in a pan. First the water is room
temperature, and the molecules move relatively slowly. When the fire
beneath the pan heats the water, the molecules move faster and faster
until the water boils. When the water boils, portions of it become steam
and rise into the air. If the pan is not removed from the fire, all the
water will then transform into steam and the pan will become empty.
Metaphorically, the pan is your body, the fire is your rising
Kundalini, and the water is your consciousness. Just as the pan and fire
remain on the stove, your physical body remains on the Earth while you
transfer your awareness to the higher bodies. If the empty pan were to
remain on the fire, it would begin to degrade without the water to
protect it from the fire. Your physical bodies would also degrade if all
of your consciousness left. Your consciousness is your life force. It
is the pilot of your Earth vessel. Without the pilot, the “vessel” would
As a skyscraper must have a deep foundation in order to reach high
into the sky, you must be deeply rooted in the physical Earth to raise
your consciousness into the higher dimensions. It is love for yourselves
and for the planet that affords you that grounding. The more intimately
you can love yourselves, the higher your consciousness can travel. Love
is the antidote to the fear that lowers your vibration and limits your
consciousness. Hence, the key to transforming your consciousness is to
love yourself!
“Can you take us on a guided tour of the fourth dimension?” Sandy says and Jason writes at the exact same moment.
Yes. Guiding you to consciously experience the fourth dimension is
the best way for me to teach you about it. On each of the sub-planes
between the Physical and Spiritual Plane is a body (or several bodies)
you can inhabit for your fourth dimensional journeys. With that said, I
will begin the journey now.
The Lower Astral Plane is the lowest sub-plane of
the fourth dimension. It lies partly on the surface of the Earth and
partly beneath the surface of the Earth. Remember that the fourth
dimension is “out of phase” with your physical perceptions and is not
perceivable while you are in your third dimensional consciousness.
Therefore, relax into your physical body and feel the great Love you
have for each other, for your planet and, most important, for your Self.
The Lower Astral Plane is filled with the emotions of fear, anger,
sorrow, guilt, and pain. These negative emotions lower the vibration of
this plane and diminish its Light. Vision here is similar to looking
through an infrared camera where the only colors are black, gray, and
dirty red. The Lower Astral Plane is not imaginary and is often known as
“Hell.” It does have an objective existence. It is not evil of itself
but resonates to and reflects the evil within those who exist there.
To move through this reality you must calm all fear with the power of
Love for yourself and for all life. This Love cloaks you with a higher
frequency astral body. The higher resonance of this body allows you safe
transit through this reality and/or to give assistance to its poor
inhabitants. In fact, many spiritual people do “rescue work” in their
night bodies to assist those in the Lower Astral who are ready to look
up and call for assistance.
You will now enter The Land of Faerie. The Light in
Faerie appears so bright that it seems as though you are coming out of a
dark cave and into a bright field. Much of Faerie looks like the
physical plane, but there are also plants, beings, and humanoids there
that do not exist on the third dimension. Your fairy tales and fantasy
novels give a true representation of life in Faerie.
We now move on to the Emotional Plane. With your
fourth dimensional “emotional body” you can perceive your lower astral
and physical worlds. With your astral vision, you can see the third
dimension from a higher, but still emotional, perspective. However, you
can also see the etheric body, the aura, and the Prana that is
circulating over, under, around and through all life forms and objects.
In fact, from the fourth dimension it becomes apparent that all objects have a life force.
As you move into the higher sub-planes of the Emotional Plane the
world is much lighter. Colors are very bright and objects are much
clearer. Once there, you quickly lose sight of third dimensional Earth
and become absorbed with the fascinating process of perceiving life as
vividly colorful and filled with happy and loving emotions.
The Emotional Plane also serves as a mirror for your human emotions,
as all third dimensional emotions are greatly amplified in this realm.
These amplified emotions then reverberate back to the physical world in
an ever-expanding arc such as a wave buffeting back and forth between
two walls. However, if you use your fourth dimensional self-love to calm
these astral emotions, your third dimensional emotions will become
clear and balanced.
Summerland is a sub-plane of the Emotional Plane
where persons who are not aware that they have died take a temporary
residence. These persons are either not in touch with their higher Self
and spiritual guidance or they are not yet ready to accept that their
physical life has ended. In Summerland, they can finish whatever Earthly
goals they were unable to achieve. Although, if their goals were to
harm others and cause fear, they will not be able to remain there
because the vibration of their consciousness will pull them down into
the Lower Astral Plane.
The vibration of Summerland resonates to Love. It is a place where
loving people who “die” while disillusioned or unfinished with their
physical life can create a “dream life” where they can gain a sense of
fulfillment and completion. Summerland serves as a halfway house where
the inhabitants can prepare themselves for their rebirth into the
physical world or into the higher fourth dimensional planes.
The Mental Plane has much less density than the
Astral and Emotional Plane. In fact, in the mental sub-planes, emotions
are muted because they are balanced. For example, fear and love,
happiness and sorrow, are no longer polarized into separate emotions and
are, instead, perceived as a spectrum encompassing all extremes.
Without the polarity of emotions there is no longer a sensate charge that disrupts your feeling body and lowers your consciousness.
Therefore, you can think about your emotions without the
judgment and criticism that is so common on the third dimension. Here
the combination of thoughts and emotions quickly manifest objects or
experiences. However, the perceptions that were so bright and distinct
on the Emotional Plane are muted, as if you are looking through a gauze
veil. Matter on the Mental Plane is very fine, and objects are temporary
because they are created by your attention and disappear when they no
longer hold them in your mind.
Just as the Emotional Plane creates and reflects your emotions, the
Mental Plane creates and reflects your thoughts. The Mental Plane
encompasses your expansive thinking, your mental body, and the aura of
your mind. Travelling through the Mental Plane can assist you in
releasing old core beliefs of limitation and separation.
The Causal Plane resonates an octave up from the
Mental Plane. Therefore, it is infinitely more beautiful. This plane is
filled with Light, Love, and Truth. This plane rules your abstract
thought and can facilitate quick changes in your third dimensional
thinking if you allow this wisdom to enter your physical consciousness.
Your Causal Plane consciousness reminds you that energy out is energy
back. In this reality every thought and/or emotions that you release
quickly returns to you so that you can experience the energy field you
have created. It is here that you learn to be the Master of your Energy
so that you have complete mastery over all fear-based thoughts or
emotions. Once you have gained that mastery you can progress into the
Spiritual Plane.
The highest frequency of the fourth dimension is the Spiritual Plane
where your Higher Human resides. Your Higher Human consists primarily
of Light and holds very little matter. From the perspective of your
Higher Human, you are able to pierce the veil between each plane and see
your many Selves. This process is similar to looking through a house of
mirrors to see the many “bodies” of your fourth and third dimensional
It is from the Spiritual Plane that the Rainbow Bridge can lift your
vibration into the fifth dimension and into your fifth dimensional
Lightbody. Your “I AM Presence” guards the threshold of this Bridge, and
infinitely waits to guide you across it when you are ready.
When you move into fifth-dimensional New Earth you will wear bodies
of Light. Whether this transformation occurs slowly or suddenly remains
to be determined by humanity. Either way, once the transformation
begins, many people will be confused. They will then seek guidance from
the Lightworkers, such as you, who have faced their fear and darkness
and forged ahead into the planes of Love and Light.
I leave you now to retrace your steps back into your physical world.
Remember, it may take what appears to be a long “time” to get to the
higher planes, but you can instantly return by thinking about your
physical world.
I hear Sandy and Jason thanking me as I return to my own Lightbody and leave them to ponder what they have just experienced.
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