Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 20, 2013

Take stock now, dear ones. You are not what you were yesterday and tomorrow you will not be what you were today. And so it goes, as you greet the solstice and super moon energies with sheer openness and courage to not accept the old ways of doing things and to embrace the new once and for all.
You are constantly changing. Behold the promise of ever more change - in that brings immense expansion and for that you can thank yourselves first, for without you we would not be speaking of the immense evolution taking place here and now and always ever-increasing in intensity and value and promise.
My love for you cannot be described adequately and all of the Company of Heaven rejoices in your presence, in your courage and in your perseverance. For you are the saviors of the world - for you are the forerunners and you are the game-changers.
Behold your magnificence. Behold your value. Behold your ability to shape-shift and transform and encompass all parts of yourself simultaneously. For that is becoming easier and easier for you, my dear ones.
Many of you are seeing an explosion of color in your meditations. It softens yet enhances your energy and allows for greater expansion. And time is taking on a different quality and purpose in your lives. It is becoming less linear because you are living more in the Now and seeing the immense possibilities of that switch in perception.

Yes, you are still paying attention to your individual lives and purposes, but the lines of demarcation between that multidimensional essence of you and the individual expression is becoming softened and your multidimensionality is becoming more tolerable and more palpable.
I beseech you to allow yourselves access to this ethereal presence of your being, this all-encompassing texture of simultaneity. Your acceptance and embrace of the whole of you, of all the dimensions as they make themselves known to you, is key to your transformation, my beloveds.
Shake loose any resistance to this new feeling of wholeness, of balance, of expanded awareness of who you really are. And learn to live with it in conjunction with your awareness of Self, which is becoming more loosely defined and more encompassing of parts of yourself that you were not aware of yesterday but are beginning to meet today. Open up to them, dear ones, and rejoice.
Allow the matrix of your Being to weave and expand out to its capacity each moment, and take it in stride. Allow it and embrace it, for you are embarking on a new vista of your transformation and it will take your complete surrender and allowance to visit it more wholly. And yes, I also mean Holy with an “h” as you embrace those parts that connect you more completely back to Source.
This is no time for trepidation, dear ones, if you want to go forward. Open up the doors to your Soul and your Higher Self with abandon and walk into that arena with open arms and heart to what is hiding there waiting to be discovered.
You have loosened the ties to your old reality. Keep welcoming this new vista, this new perception of yourself, and relax into it, my dear sisters and brothers. In your further awakening comes further truth for others to grasp and hold to their hearts as truth and substance.
I am walking alongside you in this journey as always. It is becoming more palpable to you that many of the Celestial and Galactic Realm are walking alongside you, and are welcoming you to their perspective and enduring Lightness. And it is not far off from what you are experiencing now, dear ones, my courageous travelers into the 5th dimension and beyond.
Your loving brother, Yeshua.
As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
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