Andrew Eardly:
After a gap of four months, Ashtar returns with a new message via
Philipp concerning the Divine Mother’s ‘Tsunami of Love’ – or as Ashtar
calls it ‘the Love Transformation.’ Ashtar commences his messages with
an intro that is personal to Philipp, but on this occasion Philipp has
requested that the personal intro be included …(Thanks to goldenageofgaia for this post -DT)
Philipp: This time, the intro is part of the message to show the
reader that the channel is in the same position, that the channel feels
like our friends have abandoned him but in fact they are very close but
cannot do the job for the channel. We are all in the same boat and,
maybe, the reader can identify himself much more with Ashtar’s message
by reading the personal intro.
Steve Beckow: Apparently a well-known German channel has suggested that
Philipp is not channeling Ashtar. But I can confirm that we’ve asked
Archangel Michael through Linda (at Philipp’s request) whether he is
channeling Ashtar and AAM has said that he is channeling both Ashtar and
a group that works with Ashtar (the same as with Matthew, Silver Birch
or anyone else).
Ashtar Via Philipp 1-13-14

Each inauguration phase is a gift to you and it is only you that can accept and unwrap this present. We know very well how difficult this gift can be. You receive it and you are holding it in your hands, shaking it and wondering what could be inside. You want to unwrap it immediately but you struggle with the tie fastening. Therefore, you go through phases of anger and frustration which could last for days, weeks and even months.
You feel like you are completely alone, abandoned and lost. You are faced with many forms of fear and you feel very disheartened. But then, suddenly, the moment of unwrapping is here. You integrate the gift into your Being, raise yourself above all the difficulties, spread your wings and transform into the butterfly that is the New You. So, next time – when you go through such a phase and experience all the frustration and anger – please know that this is part of the gift to you. It lasts only until the exact Divine moment when you are able to unwrap the gift, when you have integrated all the necessary precursors for being able to enjoy your gift to the fullest extent.

You are rough diamonds which need only some finishing and this is the process you are currently engaged with. The good news is that the current inauguration phases are finishing. And the intensity of this finishing phase shows you how close you are before the Love Transformation will hit you out of the blue! I’d like to emphasize that the Love Transformation is not your Ascension. Ascension, as you all know very well by now, is a process that unfolds step by step. But this Love Transformation is one of the key elements of your Ascension journey.
You will remember your true, sweet Self. It will bring back all your knowledge and the qualities you have accumulated during your journey. You will become your true Self. Can you imagine the possibilities that this gift holds in store for you? Probably not until you unwrap it! Words cannot express how much we are looking forward to the Love Transformation which will clear you of all the old baggage – you are so very close to it.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts that you have not ceased in your work to bring forth this event which is the reason why it is finally here on your doorstep. I wish you and all who are reading these words so much fun in unwrapping of all your gifts. I can barely wait to greet you after the Love Transformation.
With so much Love, Your brother Ashtar
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