By DL Zeta 1-21-14
have said the part of you that knows how to navigate time and space
works with you to create the highest and best futures that benefit
yourself and others. For our purposes here we will call this your future
self because this aspect of your consciousness often ventures into
future times to visit the field of potentials extending from your
present moment. Your future self speaks to you of these potentials when
you are in a certain state of subconscious listening, most often in
dream states.
Now we will discuss in more detail these exchanges with your future self and how you may have experienced them in the past.
‘Premonition Dreams’ Alert us to Needed Course Corrections
One way you
may have experienced the download of this information from your future
self is through what you may call a “prophetic dream.” This is a dream
where you witness an event that has not yet manifested in your present
reality at the time of the dream, but that does eventually occur in a
future time. This future time may be the next day, the next week or
months or years down the road. Most often, this event in crystallizing
in the near future.
Seemingly prophetic dreams often happen as the
timeframe approaches when the incident occurs and there is still time to
make a course correction. That is when you receive a dream state where
you actually experience the event that is about to unfold.
One example
is the person who receives information in their dream state warning them
of a traumatic event beginning to crystallize in their near future. In
their dream they are in a car accident and suffer serious injuries. Days
later the accident actually does occur and they suffer the exact same
injuries they suffered in the dream.
What is
important to know about this kind of information from your future self
is that this “dream premonition” does not have to become prophetic. When
you receive a dream of this kind, it is by no means a “done deal”. It
does mean your future self is trying to alert you to an event that is
upcoming and of a powerful nature. If you have such a dream, it is time
to take the day off and sit with this message to determine what you are
doing in your present moment that could be activating such a timeline
and what you can do to shift to another.
The Message is the Meaning of Potential and Actualized Futures
One need
never undergo a negative or dangerous experience if they work in
conjunction with their future self to choose and activate the highest
potential future they can create. Whether you actually experience an
event or whether you receive the message of a potential future and shift
to a different future, the important thing is that you receive the
message. We are here to learn and we can do that by paying attention and
utilizing the finely-tuned radar of our energetic self or we can learn
by crashing into walls and getting tossed about. The choice is ours.
In this sense
we are sending and receiving stations not unlike a boat on the ocean,
sending radar signals to distant waters and receiving echoes back from
across the waves. When our signal bounces off an obstacle in the waters
ahead, we can change course or we can crash into the obstacle.
Positive and Powerful Futures Reach Back to Empower our Creations
Not all
messages downloaded to us by our future self are warning us of dangerous
or fatal potentials in our future. Sometimes our future self is making
us aware of positive potentials we are seeding so that we can activate
and emphasize them. One example of this might be an idea we are working
with in our present moment that holds the potential to help a great many
people. If we pay attention to the nudges from our future self, we may
come to believe more strongly in this idea and begin to energize it and
bring more focus to it. As this future potential becomes stronger and
more empowered, your future self that is living along that timeline will
become increasingly empowered to reach back through dream states and
validate your efforts in present time. This is one way in which the
future reaches back to create itself.
For more on
working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting
Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta
For more on timelines, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more on timelines, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
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