Channelled By Wes Annac On Sept.18, 2013

We can say, with so very much happiness, joy and Love, that there are no more barriers.
You’re not perceiving of the fifth dimension yet because you still have many more octaves of consciousness to collectively traverse in the rapid manner you’ll be traversing them, but you’ve reached a stage in your evolution where the only barriers between us and you being fed and enforced are those being enforced by you and the rest of your collective.
This is quite different to how things were on your Earth previously. Previously, the dense ideas and beliefs of your general collective did indeed instate a very strong barrier between us and you that was difficult for many spiritual seekers to penetrate.
The stories of your ancient monks and meditators needing to be very focused and in a certain state of discipline before they could reach the spiritual realms were brought about because of the strong veils between your reality and ours, but in this day and age on your world, this veil has shrunk to nearly nothing with millions of conscious souls feeding into the spiritual realms once again.
Naïve as some spiritual seekers may seem to those on your Earth who don’t understand the greater perceptions involved with expanding one’s viewpoint of the reality around them, we say that you can discover greater and purer realities and the bliss that comes with them if you can only open yourselves up to the idea that this could all be real.
Programmed Limitation

You were taught to believe in and feed limitation and give away your personal power, but now, so many souls are awakening and beginning to understand that your reality is nothing like you’ve been told or led to believe.
The awakening humanity is coming to understand that you’ve been lied to about so many things and that a distraction-based reality has been enforced in an effort to keep you feeding the energetic “controllers” who don’t have near the power or ability they did even a short time ago on your world.
When coming to understand everything about your reality that’s been based only in distraction and misunderstanding, one begins to grasp the reality of your existence.
Spirit and everything that comes with a perception of spirit leads one to understand that the basic qualities you’ve experienced on the Earth that are of a positive nature, such as happiness and Love in a shallower sense than it’s meant to be interpreted, are preludes to the reality of your joyful and Loving existence as spiritual beings.
One comes to understand that the pain and difficulty they’ve been taught to believe is real has been illusory all along, and one undergoes an at times-rigorous process of letting the “bad” within themselves fall away. Of course, we understand that “bad” could be considered far too general of a label for what we intend to discuss, but we intend to say that one recognizes every illusory aspect of themselves that’s keep them feeding into the old paradigm.
Anger and a justification for anger can bind you up and see you unable to understand or experience the spiritual realms in the way you’re now capable of doing.
Allowing your vibration to dip in the name of things unrelated to personal surfacing that’d be necessary to experience grief or sadness because of, is akin to locking yourselves away in a prison when you could walk out into a beautiful and nature-filled crystal city and experience the most dazzling wonders that have ever been experienced on your Earth.
Escalation of War Won’t Take Place

Many of us Lived in Atlantis and Lemuria, and some of us who Lived in Lemuria chose to venture underground into Agartha after the two colonies were sunk and humanity found yourselves experiencing another lower-dimensional cycle rather than collective evolution.
While events on your world stage could nearly seem to be repetitive of Atlantis, we can lovingly reiterate that the will of your populace is far too against an escalation of warfare for it to take place. This could be seen as a prediction, but we say this simply because of your collective energy and will as they stand at present.
Take a look, dearest souls, at the widespread protests occurring all across your world that are against escalation of warfare in your country Syria. Recognize that there are indeed massive amounts of conscious souls protesting an escalation of war in this region, and take it upon yourselves as spiritually awakened souls and energy workers to send Love toward this region and its people.
We’re certainly not the first souls to say this, in the spiritual realms or on your Earth, and it’s likely that we won’t be the last. We repeat this message because of its importance; as more than enough souls are aware of the Syrian situation and are making their voices heard in the physical.
However, though this is indeed changing, as it stands at present much less of your populace understands contemporary matters playing-out from a spiritual vantage point and this increases the importance of using your ordained abilities to spiritually bring forth a resolution of conflict.
Some have also forgotten that a war has been taking place in Syria far before the United States made it famous by (threatening) to intervene, and your Light has forever been needed for Syria and every country experiencing warfare and turmoil at this time.
Some Rebels are Well-Meaning

These souls don’t yet understand that the rebel groups they’re working for have indeed been created and are being led by the aforementioned terrorist organization created by your cabal, and this is why we ask you not to condemn the Syrian rebels as a whole for their cabal-controlled leadership.
Though this isn’t as much of a spiritually nourishing or refreshing subject to discuss, your cabal has intended to use Syria to expand upon their plans of a third world war that they could then use to bring about an escalation of chemical and nuclear attacks.
Again, we reiterate with Love that this will never be allowed by the Company of Heaven.
There are very powerful positive forces working in humanity’s best interest behind the scenes and quite openly, and when we say “powerful” we don’t intend for that term to be associated with the illusory power the few have taken upon themselves on your world.
The perceived power to rule over another or a country (or planet) of individuals is illusory, because the real power lies in the people coming together and collectively running your planet.
Send your Love and compassion to the Syrian rebels who are genuinely ready to change the oppressive manner in which their country has been run, and understand that rebels with guns don’t always equate to violent individuals who seek only warfare and bloodshed.
Send your Love

They do what they feel is right to bring about a new paradigm, and while we and you all understand that violence isn’t and has never been the correct way to enable and spread peace, understand that those within various rebel groups who genuinely feel they’re doing the right thing and wish for positivity and peace to come about from what they’re doing are still beautiful spiritual beings who deserve the same Love and respect every aspect of our Creator does.
Send your Love to the children who can’t sleep at night for fear of attacks or escalation of warfare, and understand that you’re all seeking betterment of yourselves individually and collectively in the various ways you’ve chosen to do so.
Recognize the good-hearted nature of every facet of your populace, and forgive those with hatred in their hearts who seek only to manifest constant misery and suffering in the rest of your populace. They too will understand by way of karma what they’ve done, and they too will seek compassion and empathy at a later stage along their growth when they’ve realized all of this.
Wipe away the perceptions of evil from your minds and hearts, dear souls, and when clearly confronted with evil or lower-dimensionality in your Lives, bless it from a far away and detached standpoint.
Please don’t allow hatred or perception of hatred to fill your hearts any more, dear souls. It’s Created so much difficulty for you individually and collectively, and we can feel the deeper facets of each of you who are ready to see your perception of hatred give way to much greater perceptions of good; of Love; of everything you’ve always been meant to find and rediscover.
Embrace the brimming Love and joy of your existence, dear souls. Know that there’s never any reason to feel as if you’re naïve or have misunderstood what you can feel in your heart of hearts to be reality, and know that others will have differing opinions to yours and that this doesn’t make you any less valuable.
You are each more valued than we could express, and if you could see even the effects your individual vibration is having on the collective consciousness than you’d understand why we choose to express this repeatedly about you. Tap into the Love that you can feel deep within, and understand that this Love is real and certainly doesn’t plan to go anywhere.
Nor will you dear awakening souls suddenly depart from being able to perceive of it. Rather, your perception of it will grow and grow until you’ve re-acclimated yourselves with the blissful experience you’ll have brought back into your understanding.
Humanity’s Ordained Universal Rights

The cabal’s actions are currently kept going in much, much less threatening ways than they once were, because the collective is intended to step up exposure of them in detached ways that simply expose them and keep any vitriolic opinion or viewpoint out of such exposure.
This is what you’re intended to do as evolving beings in regards to exposing your cabal, though we can feel that the rebel spirit in many of you is still strong and we don’t necessarily discourage that.
Do understand, however, that your rebel spirit will soon come to be replaced with the aforementioned greater understandings about how a society is meant to be run, and the society you’ll build will see no individual needing to rebel to make their voice heard.
Rather, you’ll all have your voices heard in a society where every person actively contributes to the decisions needing made in every moment, and rebellion will give way to genuinely running your Earth and taking the reins from those in power who’ve sought to keep you feeding into limitation.
Expect for a staggering amount of celebrities and souls in positions of influence who’ve been looked up to in illusory ways to begin working actively for humanity’s evolution and your establishment of a new paradigm. This will happen because, for the most part, more celebrities than you’d expect do indeed already know much of what many of you do about your cabal and the extent to which your world’s been controlled.
You’ll Gain Perception of your Value and Worth

Rather, they’ll be seen as just as valuable as the rest of your public, and we anticipate with joy that you’ll all come to see yourselves and each other as just as valuable, and indeed more so, than you’ve allowed yourselves to believe a celebrity or idol is.
You’re all beautiful and valued in the eyes of Source, and the value Source and we all see in you can be picked up on and understood when glimpsing into deeper states of consciousness. What we mean is that upon getting to know yourselves in the deepest ways possible, you’ll gain perception of your value and worth.
You won’t think of yourselves in an egotistical sense and you won’t express yourselves with a sense of inflated self-importance, but make no mistake, you’ll understand that you’re very valuable and worthy of Love and praise.
No one individual is more worthy of praise or Love on your world. You’re each worthy of it equally, and our desire is for you to understand that knowing your worth and value doesn’t equate to feeding into ego, as long as you can come to see everyone around you as just as valuable.
The cabal so many of you fight against are valuable to humanity in that they’re providing a mirror of the collective’s own service to self-oriented energies.
They’re showing you just what not to do and how not to act if given the perceived power of running your Earth, and while we recommend continual exposure of what they’ve done, you can do so from a neutral standpoint of recognizing the service they’re (unwittingly) performing to humanity.
Don’t soften up in your agendas of exposing them and Creating a society far away from the corruption and tyranny they’ve fed into, but understand the roles they’ve played in helping humanity see just how a society isn’t supposed to be run.
Your society isn’t meant to run by the small handful of elites who’ve instated themselves at the top of the media, governmental and financial pyramid (to say the least), and you’re coming to understand this as a collective body.
Doing so will largely help you see the necessity to make sure each person on your Earth has an equal say in every decision that’s made, and in showing you what not to do the cabal has performed a service to humanity amongst their continual service to themselves and their darker-inclined agendas.
How Will You Run Your Earth?

It certainly is, and you have the actions of so many on your Earth to show for it. Their actions can only do so much, which is why we’ll continually express the importance of arising yourselves and stepping up to the plate of running your planet collectively.
We ask for you to ponder just how you’re going to collectively run your Earth. Will you as a humanity choose to establish your collective ruling body in similar ways that your previous ruling bodies were established with the important added tweaks of everybody having a hand in the decisions being made?
Will you choose to establish something entirely new, far away from the manner in which politics on your world has been fed? How will the ruling body you establish function?
You all have the answers to these and many more questions regarding running your Earth, and we can see your strong potential to establish exactly the right planetary ruling body. As we make our final impressions for this communication, we encourage you to continue expanding upon your potential and ability.
You have the power to bring about real and lasting change for every soul on your world to be a part of and benefit from, and we know that you can do this as we’ve seen what you’ve done already, and if we can be perfectly honest, we’re all quite impressed by it!
Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.
Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia
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