Transmitted Via Sheldan Nidle On 9/10/13

4 Akbal, 6 Zip, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We come bearing good news! Those working diligently to bring change to this reality have finished their special tasks, so that now a new epoch stands ready to manifest. A brilliant and abundant world is about to be created for all humanity! There is but a very brief time remaining before all this takes shape in front of you. As you look around, you perceive a world that appears to be on the brink of new levels of violence, with a monetary system that continues to keep most of you toiling unremittingly in an effort to escape the alternative: lives of hardscrabble poverty. All the while you also perceive the arrogant few who enjoy lifestyles of prosperity, glamor, and power. This dichotomy is now to cease. The sphere of humanity's basic well-being is to be leveled out by a new financial system which will put an end to such inequality. A state of worldwide prosperity will prepare the ground for a planet whose societies will be redirected and revamped by the divine works of your Ascended Masters, aided by the immense resources of Agartha (Inner Earth) and the magnificent technology and sacred goals of Heaven. The times are changing!
The coming segue to the new system was to a large extent facilitated by the nature of the self-styled groups that run your world from behind the scenes, in that their greed, hubris, and tunnel vision laid them open to situations which were eventually to 'hoist them on their own petard.' These groups largely brought the present predicaments on themselves by making decisions that defy all logic. This left openings for our allies to make inroads against their huge, dark control structure and then take advantage of the inevitable fall of what has become a house of cards. As is plain now to all, the world you grew up in no longer works, and careful observers can only wonder why this realm has not yet collapsed. For our part, we are doing what is necessary to allow each of you to move into lives that you truly deserve. This includes your return to full consciousness as your life contracts all have provisions for this magnificent opportunity to be afforded you in the time ahead. The Divine decreed for you a sacred destiny in which you are to consolidate galactic peace and transform former dark societies into ones of Light.

You are watching the death-throes of a system that is succumbing to the burden of its mountainous debt and the over-reaching of its local and national governance. In addition, the legalities which long held this construct together is fraying, allowing our supporters, with our help, to defeat the system at its own game. So, step by hard-won step, your world has been brought to the brink that we have long forecast.
Now the secret societies of this world and the many ancient families of great power and wealth have finally achieved a position which allows them a complete victory over the cabal and which has taken decades to bring about. The dark power is like an old toothless dog that wishes to bark ferociously to guard its territory but can only whimper and cough. Thus the end of this once-mighty creature is guaranteed, and with it, a time to roll out a wide panorama of new knowledge and truth for you to absorb. Value these last moments and realize that divine grace is about to shower you with wonderful, transformative gifts. Take them and rejoice! The age of miracles and heavenly wonder is upon you!

This is a sacred process founded upon the divine decrees of Lord Surea. These proclaim your freedom and a return to your innate sovereignty and right to full consciousness. The dark repeatedly placed illegal blocks before you and even invented outright lies to continue to deny you these sacred rights. Their unholy obstacles are being removed, and you are once again to be on a path which includes not only prosperity but also a return to full consciousness. You are to have your state of amnesia removed and to be given the sacred truths which will prepare you for what now lies ahead. We have come to teach you; you will be afforded a new discipleship which will wash away all the lies and misconceptions administered by the dark to control and manipulate you. You will also learn about the true nature of this solar system and the divine nature of your grand guardianship role.

Today, we brought you another message. The time we have so long wait for is upon us. We rejoice in our freedom and celebrate the prosperity that this moment contains. You are shortly to meet your various spiritual and space families and learn Lovingly that you are not alone! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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